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MariaDB Module

MariaDB is one of the most popular open source relational databases. It’s made by the original developers of MySQL and guaranteed to stay open source. It is part of most cloud offerings and the default in most Linux distributions.


npm install @testcontainers/mariadb --save-dev


it("should connect and execute query", async () => {
  const container = await new MariaDbContainer().start();

  const client = await mariadb.createConnection({
    host: container.getHost(),
    port: container.getPort(),
    database: container.getDatabase(),
    user: container.getUsername(),
    password: container.getUserPassword(),

  const rows = await client.query("SELECT 1 as res");
  expect(rows).toEqual([{ res: 1 }]);

  await client.end();
  await container.stop();
it("should work with database URI", async () => {
  const username = "testUser";
  const password = "testPassword";
  const database = "testDB";

  // Test non-root user
  const container = await new MariaDbContainer()
  await container.stop();

  // Test root user
  const rootContainer = await new MariaDbContainer().withRootPassword(password).withDatabase(database).start();
  await rootContainer.stop();
it("should set username", async () => {
  const container = await new MariaDbContainer().withUsername("customUsername").start();

  const client = await mariadb.createConnection({
    host: container.getHost(),
    port: container.getPort(),
    database: container.getDatabase(),
    user: container.getUsername(),
    password: container.getUserPassword(),

  const rows = await client.query("SELECT CURRENT_USER() as res");
  expect(rows).toEqual([{ res: "customUsername@%" }]);

  await client.end();
  await container.stop();
it("should create a table, insert a row, and fetch that row", async () => {
  const container = await new MariaDbContainer().start();

  const client = await mariadb.createConnection({
    host: container.getHost(),
    port: container.getPort(),
    database: container.getDatabase(),
    user: container.getUsername(),
    password: container.getUserPassword(),

  // Create table
  await client.query(`
      CREATE TABLE users (
        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE

  // Insert a row
  const name = "John Doe";
  const email = "";
  const insertResult = await client.query("INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)", [name, email]);

  // Fetch the row
  const [user] = await client.query("SELECT id, name, email FROM users WHERE email = ?", [email]);
  expect(user).toEqual({ id: expect.any(Number), name, email });

  await client.end();
  await container.stop();